Sports and Mental Health

Kylie Krause
2 min readMar 31, 2021

Throughout the lives of most children, at one point or another, they will try a sport. A lot will stop playing as they grow up, whether it is because they are no longer interested, they get injured, do not have the time, or quit one sport for another, but for those who continue to play, it is hard not to about the lasting effects on their mental health.

Many studies show they have many benefits for a person's mental health. “Strong evidence exists showing a 20–30% reduction in depression… who participate in physical activity daily” (Peirce). Another source says “This temporary respite from stress can help you avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts” (AdventHealth). Both sources talk about how simply doing a sport can help those with depression, providing a distraction from worries going on in other areas in your life. This is not the only way sports can help. Advent health says “this can also lead to improved self-image in all areas of your life.” This is saying how improving and reaching or scoring a goal can be a huge confidence boost. They also say “When you’re physically active, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed.” As you can see there are many different positive ways sports can help you, but are there negatives?

Nothing is perfect, everything I said in the last paragraph can be turned into a negative. “sport can bring pressure rather than benefit to the participant’s mental health” (Peirce). This shows that now instead of something to take your mind your mind off of other problems, it becomes one itself. The constant fear of disappointing your coach, teammates, and family can be a huge weight on someones shoulders, making practice and games something you dread in stead of something you love.

In conclusion, sports and mental health completely depends on the person. Obviously if they enjoy it, the effect will be a better, but for someone who has different interest, the effects will most likely be negative.


AdventHealth. “How Playing a Sport Can Improve Your Mental Health.” AdventHealth, AdventHealth, 13 Mar. 2019,

Peirce, Dr Nick. “The Role of Physical Activity and Sport in Mental Health.” The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine, 21 May 2018,

