Keto Pizza

Kylie Krause
2 min readFeb 18, 2021

I’ve grown up with three older brothers, who were all very serious about football. Two of them have gone on to play in college, while one stopped after his senior year. Along with football, comes a football diet. The football diet consists of this: a ton of food with a ton of calories. With the goal to always be gaining weight, the food my parents made at home was made specifically for them to do so.

However, a few months ago, my youngest brother moved out to go to college, and my parents have decided to make a full 180 food-wise. They have decided to go on a ketogenic (or keto) diet. For those of you who do not know what keto means, in my own words I would describe it as the worst thing they could’ve chosen to do with our food. No sugar. Few carbs. Small portions. Healthy alternatives to everything. whenever my mom tries a new recipe there is a 50/50 chance it will taste good.

Somehow, the pizza we made together a few days ago tasted amazing. The crust was very thin, and even though I usually am not a thin crust fan, I still liked this very much. The possibilities are endless with this, as it is a pizza and you can top it with anything. The book the recipe is from is “Beyond Simply Keto” by Suzanne Ryan. I think there are a ton of good recipes to choose from in there.

Here is the recipe:

And here is how ours turned out:

